Inspiration. Essence. Substance. Different ideas. A journey living the art of surfing. Photography, poetry, soul. Dreams coming true. Our life is a vortex moving continually in time and space. We believe in destiny.

Inspiracao. Essencia. Substancia. Ideias diferentes. Uma jornada vivendo a arte de surfar. Fotografia, poesia, alma. Tornando sonhos realidade. Nossa vida e' um buraco de vacuo se movendo continuamente no espaco, no tempo. Nos acreditamos em destino.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Money talks louder

I've been watching on line the WCT at Snapper's in Australia, and it's amazing the level of surfing the guys are pulling off. That's really cool to watch. What's not cool to see is the terrible judgement. I have few friends they are ASP judges, and I respect a lot their work, but sometimes it's really confused with this new aerial assault. From my point of view, Bede Durbridge, Neco Padaratz, Jeremy Flores, Tiago Pires and Mick Campbell were underscored. The criteria is fucked up. Money is talking louder, like any other fucking sport. Mikki Dora said that in the 60's: "The riders will be explored and the cats will make the money." Whatever. The audience is getting bigger. The companies are getting richer. The market is getting bigger. Who cares?! There is a lot of bullshit out there. But there is a lot of talent and "bravado" behind the scenes. There where the top guys live out for. They are inspired by these people, personalities, individuals. Competition became a job for them. Sometimes so frustrating. But, then, hanging out with friends, so happy just for the fact of surfing... priceless.
Life turns into another perspective. We start to see things differently. Out of the concrete.

1 comment:

Zé Martinelli said...

Pô magro, já comentei sobre o fato de tu escrever as coisas em inglês, etc...Lingua universal "you told me", ok but...Um blog que acesso quase que diariamente, fico um tanto chateado. POr outro lado fiquei muito feliz com o presente que ganhei de ti através do Liminha, recebi muitos elogios, de diversas pessoas diferentes...Brigado MOrelli, de verdade! SEgue link ( que escrevi no meu blog sobre o Percy. Botei a foto "talentos ocultos" no meu orkut e as pessoas querem saber de quem tu tais falando, Fabrício? Grato. Aguardo retorno