Inspiration. Essence. Substance. Different ideas. A journey living the art of surfing. Photography, poetry, soul. Dreams coming true. Our life is a vortex moving continually in time and space. We believe in destiny.
Inspiracao. Essencia. Substancia. Ideias diferentes. Uma jornada vivendo a arte de surfar. Fotografia, poesia, alma. Tornando sonhos realidade. Nossa vida e' um buraco de vacuo se movendo continuamente no espaco, no tempo. Nos acreditamos em destino.
Em julho de 2009, um swell massivo de sul bateu na costa californiana gerando ondas de alta qualidade em diversos picos da regiao. "Fazem quinze dias que eu surfo todo dia, e ja' peguei mais tubo do que o inverno inteiro".
I'm lucky to be where I am, but I still have a lot to accomplish. I was born in Florianopolis, Southern Brazil, but I started surfing in Balneario Camboriu in the summer of 1985. Around 1992 I started filming and photographing surfing and its lifestyle. I grew up at Joaquina beach surrounded by so many talented people including pro-surfer Neco Padaratz. I traveled around the world, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, California, Hawaii, South America, Mexico, Caribbean, France, Portugal, Spain... During all these years I've been producing some journals and hand-painted t-shirts trying to show people my experiences and help to change our society to make it a better place. I live this life style that I love with money from my own pocket working hard from construction to restaurant jobs, and selling my underground art. Always documenting everything and inspiring people around the world.